What a day!!

frustrated-worker-at-deskIt’s the morning, and you just got into your office. A welcome relief from the argument with your wife on your way out the door, but when you sit at your desk the mountain of unacknowledged work hits you. You click to your email thinking that will provide some early morning relief, but all you see are emails from creditors, angry investors and spam. Nothing positive on your event horizon, that’s for sure. By the time you finish your staff meeting and hear nothing but complaints and frustration, you’re ready to head home. And it’s only 10 AM.

Leading is hard. Leading in tough times is harder. Providing optimism to others when you don’t feel it yourself is the hardest. And that is when you need to dig deep…deeper than you have ever done before. It’s like the last lap of the 800 m race: the one where you only see the two corners and two straightaways and you feel out of gas. But I promise you, when you blink you’re past that first corner. Then comes the first straightaway and then the second corner, and suddenly it happens. Fuel! The crowd fuels you up and you pick up speed. Your legs pump faster and you feel good. You finish the race and know you’ve given it your all.

Phil 3:14 tells us what we need to hear: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” God has placed you in your office on this day to lean and then to lead. Lean on the strength of the Lord and not in your own understanding, and then lead your staff. Only then will you blink and find yourself past that first corner!


Picture: http://www.saleprogress.com